What aging with dignity means to us...
"Remaining in your own home, surrounded by your best memories, where family and friends are comfortable to visit and where you have your patterns and routines. You earned your home and you have loved living there--we want to provide the help you need so staying home is safe."
Our caregivers are...
"People who love to serve others. Most are Certified Nursing Assistants who have proven themselves by working in some of the most demanding health care environments. They are driven by our mission to make daily and lasting improvements to the lives of those we serve."
The care we offer is unique because...
"Most of our care is provided by experienced and skilled Certified Nursing Assistants and all is overseen and managed by an experienced Registered Nurse."
Important to remember when caring for someone...
"They may need help now, but remember and respect that they were once young. We are here to serve but they are in charge."
What person-centered care means to us...
"We believe every person and family is different and deserves care that preserves integrity and dignity."
Interim HealthCare Utah
What aging with dignity means to us...
"Remaining in your own home, surrounded by your best memories, where family and friends are comfortable to visit and where you have your patterns and routines. You earned your home and you have loved living there--we want to provide the help you need so staying home is safe."
Our caregivers are...
"People who love to serve others. Most are Certified Nursing Assistants who have proven themselves by working in some of the most demanding health care environments. They are driven by our mission to make daily and lasting improvements to the lives of those we serve."
The care we offer is unique because...
"Most of our care is provided by experienced and skilled Certified Nursing Assistants and all is overseen and managed by an experienced Registered Nurse."
Important to remember when caring for someone...
"They may need help now, but remember and respect that they were once young. We are here to serve but they are in charge."
What person-centered care means to us...
"We believe every person and family is different and deserves care that preserves integrity and dignity."
Quality Network
This provider meets CareScout's care standards and is committed to being a person-centered practitioner. Learn more.
We are a disabled veteran-owned agency. We have been open since February 2014 and have successfully helped hundreds of people with their care needs.
& Additional Therapies
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