What aging with dignity means to us...
"Dignity of risk is a big part of person-centered care. This means you have the right to make decisions about your care and services. Dignity of risk is included in the Aged Care Quality Standards. These Standards require your provider to recognize and respect your unique identity, culture, social connections, wellbeing and needs."
Our caregivers are...
"Our Caregiver is extremely passionate about the work they do, and they bring this energy to every task they undertake. Our staff are enthusiasm positively influences team members. We found it helps us achieve our goals more effectively. Our passion drives us to consistently perform above expectations."
The care we offer is unique because...
"I am extremely passionate about the work I do, and I bring this energy to every task I undertake. My enthusiasm positively influences my team members, and I have found it helps us achieve our goals more effectively. My passion drives me to consistently perform above expectations."
Important to remember when caring for someone...
"Recognize you’re a career and be prepared."
What person-centered care means to us...
"Person-Centered Care: Integrated health care services delivered in a setting and manner that is responsive to individuals and their goals, values and preferences, in a system that supports good provider–patient communication and empowers individuals receiving care and providers to make effective care plans together."
What would you want to know for family member care ...
"Yes. I want to know everything about the care, caregiver, and the company."
Private Aid Contractor

What aging with dignity means to us...
"Dignity of risk is a big part of person-centered care. This means you have the right to make decisions about your care and services. Dignity of risk is included in the Aged Care Quality Standards. These Standards require your provider to recognize and respect your unique identity, culture, social connections, wellbeing and needs."

Our caregivers are...
"Our Caregiver is extremely passionate about the work they do, and they bring this energy to every task they undertake. Our staff are enthusiasm positively influences team members. We found it helps us achieve our goals more effectively. Our passion drives us to consistently perform above expectations."

The care we offer is unique because...
"I am extremely passionate about the work I do, and I bring this energy to every task I undertake. My enthusiasm positively influences my team members, and I have found it helps us achieve our goals more effectively. My passion drives me to consistently perform above expectations."

Important to remember when caring for someone...
"Recognize you’re a career and be prepared."
What person-centered care means to us...
"Person-Centered Care: Integrated health care services delivered in a setting and manner that is responsive to individuals and their goals, values and preferences, in a system that supports good provider–patient communication and empowers individuals receiving care and providers to make effective care plans together."
What would you want to know for family member care ...
"Yes. I want to know everything about the care, caregiver, and the company."
Quality Network
This provider meets CareScout's care standards and is committed to being a person-centered practitioner. Learn more.
Private Aid Contractor Home Care Agency was founded on a principle that health care gets better when client is cared for with-in the comfort of their home the place most want to be, from our nurse or aide in the home to our committed employee supporting their work, delivering care is our highest priority and greatest joy.
& Additional Therapies